Pros And Cons Of Teacher Incentive Pay Texas

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The District Awards for Teacher Excellence in Texas

Teacher merit based pay has become a growing interest amongst politicians for the past fifty years. According to Jane Lincove, author of Can Teacher Incentive Pay Improve Student Performance on Standardized Tests?, “a growing list of school districts and states have experimented with teacher incentive pay” due to pressures of high-stakes accountability (3). Texas began deliberations regarding incentive pay as early as the 1980s (Springer, p. viii) The miscarriages of early incentive pay programs helped formulate the most recent teacher incentive pay program in Texas, ensuring it would be adequately funded, provide teacher involvement in its design, reward educators for student performance …show more content…

Gratz indicates that the report “could not provide links of teachers to students… so it is not possible to identify the most successful teachers or to identify the impact the teachers had on student performance” (Gratz, p. 3). The differences in scores between DATE schools from one year to another was less than 10%, making a minimal impact on student achievement.(3). In addition, the influence it had on math scores was one scale point above from the previous year and did not change for reading scores (3). Lastly, Gratz points out that the intentions of the Vanderbilt conclusions were to “inform policymakers”, with that in mind, it was “dictated by the need to produce information for Texas’ next funding cycle” (4). Gratz believes that although, educator surveys reflected positively, TAKS scores increased, teacher turnover was lower by 1-2%, and the findings were favorable to the DATE program. However, the findings were descriptive rather than analytic and Gratz considers that the report “may not meet its larger objective of informing policymakers” (4). As his report highlights, it had significant gaps and covers a time span for inadequate bases for “such a major policy decision” and only highlights results after one year, it fails to understand the complete success of the program with only one year of results

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