Pros And Cons Of Owning Exotic Animals

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Why Not Own Exotic Pets? Tragedy of exotic animals ownership has been breaking out over the years, such as the incident of Terry Thompson. The person who released dozens of wild animals like lions, tigers, bears, and other wild creatures into the public. So the question still remains of weather private ownership of exotic animals should be legal and the simple answer is yes, private ownership of exotic animals should be legal. The actions of someone like Terry Thompson shouldn’t decide if owning exotic animals should be legal. Thompson was a deranged person with a criminal record and animal abuse charges. We can’t ban ownership of exotic animals because of the actions of a selfish and insane person like Thompson. Another reason that ownership of exotic animals should be legal is that dangers from exotic animals are pretty low. For instance in the text Let People Own Exotic Animals” on page 228 lines 16 through 21 it states “On average in the united states, only 3.25 people per year are killed by captive big cats, snakes, elephants, and bears. Most of these fatalities are owners, family members, friends, and trainer voluntarily on the property where the animals were kept. Meanwhile traffic accidents kill about 125 people per day.” This citation clearly shows that exotic animals rarely kill or harm people. …show more content…

For example in the text “Wild Animals Aren’t Pets” on page 225 lines 26 through 28 it states “In 2009, a 12- year- old Florida girl was strangled by a 12-foot-long Burmese python, a family pet that had gotten out of its aquarium.” This shows that the owner of the python was not responsible. Leaving a 12-foot-long python near a 12- year-old girl. They choose to keep this vicious animal but with that animal come responsibilities. We can’t just ban exotic animals because an owner who was

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