Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Attendance In High School

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In recent years, there has been an ever-increasing debate posed by young people about the long-held practice of mandatory attendance for high school students. For a variety of reasons, young people today are questioning the societal norm and attempting to invoke their own personal right to make decisions for themselves. While there is some validity to their arguments, regular attendance in high school is a necessary requirement to build an intellectually proficient, socially responsible and economically successful adult population in our country.
There is, without a doubt, a certain segment of the adolescent population that feels, for themselves, high school is a waste of time. Many of these students believe that they have already acquired …show more content…

Since high school typically revolves around social circles, once a young person chooses to stop attending classes, he begins to find new social circles with other people who have no obligations. The increase in criminal activity is well documented amongst this demographic, as boredom and the desire for excitement prevail. Peer pressure is extremely prevalent at this stage of a person’s development and the potential for making even poorer life choices, with long-term ramifications, becomes a …show more content…

Today’s youth have found their voice and will continue to endorse their freedom of choice. However, in the interest of striving towards a stronger adult population capable of making good solid judgements and decisions, of being socially aware and responsible for the benefit of everyone, and having the opportunity and ability of providing for themselves a future of economic success, requiring their attendance in high school is imperative to this

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