Pros And Cons Of Giving Everyone A Trophy

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Not every child should be given a trophy for just participating because it does not do justice to the ones who earned it, or prepare them for future life, giving the children a false sense of success does not actually make them successful. If children are given trophies for only participating, it makes them expect gratification for maybe not putting forward their best. Giving everybody a trophy also takes gratification and praise away from the children who worked harder and earned it, making them feel as if they should have done better than their peers in order to earn higher praise, they don't get the full reward of the trophy, they get only a material object that has no praise or gratification attached to it. By receiving participation trophies, children gain the mindset that as long as they participate, they will be rewarded, completely contradictory to what they will encounter later on in life. By giving them a reward for participating without really putting forth effort, we are giving the children a view that they should be rewarded as long as they participated (Source 4). …show more content…

If children were given a diploma for just showing up for school, they would learn nothing or goof off all day, rather than work hard to achieve their goals. This same principle applies to sports, rewarding children as long as they sign up, without actually making them work hard or be a team player. Many people share this same view on the subject as is represented in the data interpreted from the table on source

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