Proposal for Dr. Friedlander Contract

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1. Expertise With over 25 years in the field of special education Dr. Friedlander brings a unique perspective to the field of assistive technology. Through the lens of a Licensed and Certified School Psychologist, Dr. Friedlander has worked with many children who present with learning differences who have benefited from the use of assistive technology. Dr. Friedlander is presently an Associate Professor of Education at the College of St. Elizabeth where he teaches graduate level courses in assistive technology and coordinates the Graduate Programs in Special Education. Dr. Friedlander has authored numerous books, videos and informational material pertaining to the use of assistive technology in the classroom. Dr. Friedlander is a frequent presenter at state and national conferences on the topic of assistive technology and eLearning. 1.1. School Psychology Certified School Psychologist in NY, NJ, & PA 1.2. Special Education Associate Professor of Education and Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Special Education 1.3. Professional Development Dr. Friedlander consults to a range of private and public schools in the area of assistive technology and provides professional development on the latest software applications in the field of assistive technology. Dr. Friedlander provides onsite training as well as training over the web. 1.4. Assistive Technology Dr. Friedlander is well known for the work he does in the area of assistive technology and maintains a rich resource of information on educational as well as assistive technology on his AssistiveTek Blog. 1.4.1. Assistive Technology Evaluations Dr. Friedlander under contract from the public schools performs Assistive Technology Evaluations. Additionally, Dr. Friedlander ... ... middle of paper ... ... this Agreement, RFB&D will pay Dr. Friedlander at the rate of per hour for time spent on Consulting Services. Dr. Friedlander shall submit written, signed reports of the time spent performing Consulting Services, itemizing in reasonable detail the dates on which services were performed, the number of hours spent on such dates and a brief description of the services rendered. This contract should be reviewed in 90 days so as to see if consultation agreement should be repositioned. This would enable Dr. Friedlander to provide RFB&D a wide range of services that would help promote the organization's products and services and position it in a market with other assistive technologies. Considering our economic climate it is extremely important for RFB&D to seek out grants and provide innovative products to meet the demands of an ever changing educational environment.

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