Prophet Muhammad Research Paper

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Similar to the earliest sources for the Buddha and Jesus, the earliest version of the life of Muhammad originates from oral customs passed down amongst followers. Conferring to these tales, Muhammad was orphaned when he was six years old and raised by his paternal uncle. As a young adult, he became a mercantile in the caravan profession that intersected the Arabian Desert. Later he entered into the service of a rich widow, Khadija, and their ensuing marriage brought him monetary security. Muhammad was tremendously pious and dedicated to contemplation. When he was about the age of forty, Muhammad had an apparition of an angelic presence who commanded him to orate the revelations that God would soon be sending him. Muhammad started to preach to the inhabitants of Mecca, advising them to renounce their idols and to acquiesce to the one indivisible God. Islam, the stern monotheistic faith, is based on the educations of Muhammad and rests on the opinion of the omnipotence and oneness of God (Allah). His stories are the basis of the Qur’an. …show more content…

In 651 they printed the form of them that Muslims believe authoritative, called the Qur’an. Muslims venerate the Qur’an for its holy message as well as for the magnificence of its Arabic language.
The word Islam translates to, “surrender to God,” and Muslim means “one that submits.” Muslims think that Muhammad was the final of the prophets, finishing the work instigated by Jesus, Abraham, and Moses. As said by the Qur’an, both Christian and Jewish authorities recognized the coming of the last prophet. The Qur’an proclaims that the Prophet Muhammad originated from Adam, the first man, and it believes that the holy words of both Christians and Jews represent divine revelation, but it declares that both Jews and Christians meddled with the accounts of

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