Prokaryotes In Biology

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A Prokaryote is a single cell organisms that does not have a nucleus, which is divided into two major groups: archaeabacteria and bacteria. Prokaryotes are usually found in three common structures, such as bacillus is rod shaped, crocus is spherical-shaped, and spirillum is long shape. Although there are prokaryotes that are responsible for diseases there are also good types of bacteria that we need. Prokaryotes provide essential services to biological systems for instance food and agriculture.
In certain foods there are good bacteria or probiotics that are needed. They help boost your immune system and also helps protect against bad bacteria. The different types of foods that contains good types of bacteria are: Yogurts which is fermented dairy products and contains live bacterial cultures, Buttermilk is produced by fermentation as lactic acid bacteria, and also different types of cheese, but only aged cheese have live cultural bacteria. Furthermore, prokaryotes help in the production of sour cream, pickles, olives, vinegar and sourdough bread. Why, because prokaryotes are useful to some food production by converting textures, providing flavors, manufacturing ethanol, and protection from unwanted microbes known as food preservation. Food preservation is a method that is projected to keep microorganisms out of foods, removing microorganisms from contaminated foods, and obstruct the growth and activity of microorganisms already in foods. Also, bacteria breakdown proteins and fats into a complex mix of amino acids amines, and fatty acids, which lead to processing altars, the food product.
Fermentation is a form of chemical transformation of organic substances that breaks down simple compounds by exploiting the enzymes with compl...

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...rate the Haber process to produce ammonium.
Biotechnology is the request of scientific techniques that help alter and improve plants, animals, and microor¬ganisms to enhance their value. Agricultural biotech¬nology deals with biotechnology that is involved with applica¬tions to agriculture. It helps with the intensification of crop productivity by introducing such advantages as disease that are resistant and have an increase in deficiency tolerance to the crops. So now, research¬ers are able to select genes for disease resistance from other types of species and transfer them to important crops.
Prokaryotes affect us in our daily lives, other then food production with out bacteria we would not be able to test against human immunity. They also play roles in oxygen atmosphere, human digestion, and waste broken down

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