Project Management Processes or Product-Oriented Processes

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• Phased development- project management processes OR product-oriented processes?
- In our opinion, Phased development known and usually as product-oriented processes because the phased development process is sequence of mini project (series of sub-module are conducted parallel). Phased development process always using to develop software or system. In addition phased development usually always using for the big project to deliver. This process is to complete the project which can be said to be a big project and divide the work required by section to be completed faster. Based on the phased development framework can be seen every phase of the distribution is required to get the job done their part to ensure that the work is more organized and running smoothly. 2 or Phase 2 to Phase 3 and will be done in parallel. This matter is to complete the project faster. Often the process is repeated until the phase 3 where the process in phase 3 phase which is often no more last changer after the user reviews of the client but can be repeated until phase 5 if there is dissatisfaction with the client for a job until the client says the project has met the criteria they want. The example project for phased development is to develop system for Campus Management System KPTMKL. We give an example of this is a relatively large system to complete is develop Campus management system for students KPTMKL. This system is to enable students to refer their personal data, financial education, examination results and also the subjects taken by them. Next, to get all this information should be applicable to all the units work together as registration unit, ASAD unit, and financial unit and examination units. This process involves four parts to get the job ...

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...ore in the transition.
Requirement is required during start-up of the inception need to more complete understanding of how the structure of the CMS system and then in the elaboration and construction decreased use this requirement. Furthermore, the phase transition is no longer needed requirement.
Analysis and design has not been required at the beginning of the work in Phases Inception, it is used as in the elaboration Phases and decreased to analysis in construction Phases. The transition is still a bit of analysis.
For Implementation was not used in the inception phase. It is increasingly used in the elaboration and is used in the construction of which the produce of the system and begins to decrease at the transition IMPLEMENT. Lastly, for testing is not used in the inception phase, elaboration, but testing was used inner construction until the transition phase.

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