Prohibition Of Women In The 1920's Essay

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Picture this. You’re standing in line waiting to put in your ballot for the election. As you walk up to the door, a man quickly slams the door in your face. “What do you think you’re doing!?” he asks you in a rude, and angry manner. “You can’t be here. Leave. Now.” Today, as women are privileged to have the right to vote, this probably seems crazy to us, but in the 1920’s women could not vote. There were many changes for women that occurred in the 20s. With the changing music trends, fashion was revolutionized. The new, energetic dances of the Jazz Age required women to be able to move freely. They adopted more casual modes of dress, shortening their skirts/dress. Flappers, the young women of the 1920’s, epitomized the Jazz Age through their fashion. With their short skirts, short hair, noticeable makeup, and a fun-loving attitude; they represented a new freedom for women. …show more content…

Prohibition was a huge element of America, especially in the 1920s. Installing prohibition into America was supposed to be beneficial by lowering taxes and enhancing human health. However, prohibition had numerous drawbacks, ranging from crime to alcohol abuse. The road to prohibition started with the temperance movement. The campaign had been dominated by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. The argument used was that temperance would protect the home and it was for this reason that women’s voices were so influential as the home was considered to be their “sphere”. The temperance movement was thorough and many women handed out leaflets, protested, and used lobbying as techniques. This campaign showed that women, when well-organized and with good leadership, could be very influential in bringing about change on issues within their “sphere”. However, the divisions between women who changed from supporting prohibition to supporting its repeal, and those who remained loyal to the laws on prohibition

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