Progression Of Technology

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Technology has a largely significant impact on our everyday lives. The invention of the computer in the 20th century was an unequivocal catalyst for the progression of technology. Technology has enabled us to produce mobile phones which in turn have allowed us to communicate worldwide with the greatest of ease. Technology has become an impressive subliminal power, even in its simplest form it is being used 100s of times in every common household. We, as human beings, have become so reliant on technology that it’s hard to imagine life before or without it.
Advancements in technology have not only appeared as obviously as gadgets within our households but also within the clothes we wear. Significant development in fabric manufacture has allowed …show more content…

In a world where technology often solves whatever we desire it’s easy to forget that it can’t cure everything, we are not invincible and we need to stay protected. I believe that technology and fashion go hand in hand and due to state of the art designs and contemporary garment construction it will continue to do so, by creating innovative designs for the world to use in conjunction with their smart phones or tablets. The use of smart fabrics and technologically advanced machinery are much more common now than they once were. This means that the design world is churning out new and innovative ideas to combine both technology and garment designs together. This includes such products that I have spoken about that are created as a form of protection. I believe that these garments will thrive in the modern day and age and I think they will become increasingly popular particularly within the younger generations. Younger generations have been born into the technological age and don’t know anything different, simple forms of protection that their parents make them wear are probably embarrassing to young adults and ‘not cool’ to wear, this will probably mean they won’t wear them at all which makes them more or less useless. These new garment designs combine the both, we are judged constantly, whether we mean to or not and the more fashionably acceptable something is to wear the more it will be used and not criticised. As a society we are generally constantly on the lookout for new and updated versions of the gadgets we already have and love, it has become a competition to have the most new and trendy gadget that no one else has heard of. I believe that with the ability to be able to create fashion objects and garments in replacement of suitable protection will overrule traditional safety garments. If we have the means to create such garments, I feel

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