Procrastination Using Data Analytics Techniques

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How can a problem of procrastination be solved? Everyone has been guilty of putting off whatever important task they had to do and used that time to do something else to avoid it as much as possible. Procrastination lies within all of us, and it is definitely a problem that many people struggle with. In the article “Procrastination Using Data Analytics Techniques” written by Yair Levy, Various studies classified 15%-29% of the adult population as chronic procrastinators. It would be nice to come up with something that will completely rid us all of this trouble, but that would not be possible. Procrastination is not something that can not be eliminated all at once. It takes practice and a lot of self discipline in order to minimize this difficult and hard to resist problem. There are four interlocking ways to minimize …show more content…

There are different reasons to why people procrastinate. So, what are they? According to Dr. Codruta from the Department of Science of Education, a person’s tendency to procrastinate stems from the individual's “fear of failure.” Take my experience as an example. For our final project in my digital design class, we were assigned a real life client who was in need of a logo design for their business. It was an important task that put a lot of pressure on me, but I realize now that it was me who put that much pressure onto myself. My mind was filling with doubt during that time. What if the client hates it? I knew that if I did poorly on this project my grade would drop and I would also disappoint the client and that thought terrified me. I was given 3 weeks to submit my work and meet with client to show them the logo. But it wasn’t until the last two days of the deadline when I had just started designing. All that time that I didn’t

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