Procne And Philomela In Homer's Odyssey

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There was also a tragic story also coming from the royal house of Athens. Procne and Philomela were two sisters, Procne being the older sister and they were aunts of Cecrops. Procne was married to Tereus of Thrace. They had a son together, named Itys. One day, Procne begged Tereus to let her invite her sister, Philomela, to visit her. He agreed and said he would go to Athens himself and bring her. He then set out to Athens. When he got there and saw Procne’s sister, he instantly fell in love. She was as beautiful as a nymph or a naiad. Her father let her go on the voyage and she was also very happy. The voyage went quite smoothly for the most part. However, when they embarked and started overland to the palace, Tereus told Philomela that he had received news that her sister …show more content…

She threatened Tereus, saying that she would tell the world about what he has done and that he would be an outcast among men. This caused him to be filled with fear and fury. He seized her and cut her tongue out. Then he left her in a strongly guarded place. Once he returned to the palace, he told Procne that Philomela had died on the journey. This caused her to be depressed. Meanwhile, Philomela looked hopeless. She then thought of a plan though. She wove a tapestry that depicted happened using her loom since there was no written language at the time. She then gave it old woman attending her and signified that it was for the queen, Procne. Procne was still mourning the death when she received the tapestry, which then caused her to be outraged. Procne then went to get her sister and returned to the palace. They both wanted revenge and Procne tried to come up with a plan. At that moment, Itys walked. Procne, filled with rage, started to blame him for all that his father has done accusing him of being just like his father. She then killed him and cut up the body. She then plotted to serve it to Tereus for

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