Jealousy And Friendship In 'The Knight's Tale'

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To be entirely honest, The Knight's Tale was my favorite piece of writing that we had to read this school year so far. I was fascinated by each element of the story, ranging from the characters to the plot. An interesting part of the story that caught my eye was the ongoing theme of courtly love versus a loyal friendship between Palamon and Arcite, which led to the showcasing of how they they both let their relationship fall apart because of jealousy. At the beginning of the story, we met King Theseus of Athens who recently won a battle against Scythia. He returned home with his new wife Hippolyta and her lovely little sister, Emily. On their way back to Theseus' house, they came across two men, none other than Theseus' cousins Arcite and Palamon. The two also happened to be enemies of the Duke, so Theseus took them back with them to lock them away. While locked away the cousins form a sort of pact with each other swearing that they would remain loyal to each other. Little did they know that their loyalty would be tested in the near future. One day, while locked away, Arcite and Palamon both spotted Emily strolling out in the …show more content…

Palamon, who adopted the habit of waking early, pacing, and doubting his existence, had saw Emily first. He wakes up Arcite from his sleep to show him the lovely girl. They both fall in love and begin to bicker over her. Arcite's monologue carries several meaningful and true messages about love. For example, " Laws and promises are broken everyday in the name of love by all kinds of men from all walks of life." Another one that is meaningful to the story is, " You can be in love with her if you want. I know I will always be." These two quotes demonstrate what kind of man Arcite is. He is seemingly willing to fight to the death for Emily and, by saying such things, just ended his previously made pact with Palamon. They also insinuate the battle that lies

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