Process Essay: Why Running Is Important?

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So, you are thinking of taking up running, but you aren't sure it's the right thing for you. Because it is a fairly high intensity workout, you should make sure you are ready for it before taking it on. Here are some questions to ponder to help you make your decision.

How is your BMI?
Running can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy BMI. But, if you are carrying too many extra pounds, it may not be wise to jump right in to the deep end of the pool. If you are more than 30 pounds overweight, it most likely makes more sense to start with something of lower intensity, like walking or cycling.

How is your bloodsugar?
If you are diabetic or hypoglycemic, this can be another indicator that running is not the best place to start. You may …show more content…

Running can be hard on the knees, ankles and hips. If your joints are in poor shape, you might want to start with walking or swimming. If they improve, you may able to take up running later. But, exacerbating your joint problems by starting with a high intensity workout is not really a good path to better fitness.

Do you like low equipment workouts?
Some people like going to the gym or buying all the equipment. The variety of shiny equipment is part of the fun of the workout. Others like to keep things simple. Although you need a good pair of running shoes and some appropriate running clothes, running is a fairly low equipment workout. If you love using a variety of equipment, running might not be your cup of tea. But, if you are in it for the activity and consider a lot of equipment to be a bug, not a feature, then running may be just the thing for you.

Are you trying to ditch the gym?
Maybe you just want to cut your gym membership because you are trying to reign in your budget. Or maybe you are doing a lot of traveling for your work and you need a workout you can do almost anywhere, with minimal equipment. Running can be a great way to get a workout without going to the gym.

Are you looking to up your

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