Process Essay: Pushing Through Obstacles

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Pushing Through Obstacles Obstacles are a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress. It is a fact that everyone will face obstacles because no one's life is perfect. Throughout life, we humans have had to overcome some type of obstacle whether it be a tremendous obstacle or a small obstacle. How we handle the obstacles in life determines the outcome. We humans can decide to allow obstacles to defeat us or we can push further towards life's ultimate goal. “Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life. They have strengthened you as you continue with your journey.” This quote by Kristin Butler is an example of how we can overcome obstacles because we are strengthened through the obstacle and end up stronger than we were before the obstacle. In life we face different types of problems, large and small. An example of an enormous problem we need to overcome is school. We humans think of things as a giant ordeal but if we break it down into smaller steps it will be easier for us to overcome. We can think of highschool as four long miserable years or come to school each day with a good attitude to learn because you want to be …show more content…

When we humans are stronger we can face more. When we are at a workplace and have to face a problem or obstacle we can face harder tasks and take on more responsibility because we have learned from our obstacles. In a family when we face an obstacle we use the obstacle and overcome it. We grow closer because we have gone through an obstacle together. “Life is like a mountain hard to climb but once you get to the top the view is beautiful.” This quote by Daniel Tuttle has a general meaning expressing that life is like a mountain which means we humans have to climb over obstacles. The view at the top is once we have became stronger and overcome the obstacle we

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