Procedural Based Classes

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In my current courses, each teacher has their own way of presenting the material. In most of my classes we use PowerPoint slides and have group discussions, but in my business statistics class he just lectures. In declarative knowledge, based courses, I have the most trouble when the professors don’t use PowerPoints because they either talk to fast, it’s hard for me to figure out what the main ideas are, or both. But in my procedural based courses I prefer listening to lecture, group work, and having in class assignments. In this paper, I will go in depth on why I prefer to use different types of material in declarative and procedural based courses. In the book, declarative knowledge is defined as “knowing specific information about something” (Sellers, Dochen, & Hodges, 2015, p. 32), but I would define it as memorization. In two of my classes this semester, Management and Educational Physiology, I would define as declarative …show more content…

These classes require me to knowing how to do a problem and the best way I can learn from these types of classes is by lecture and group work. I can understand lecture classes in procedural based courses better than in declarative because its more writing down equations and figuring out when to use them rather than memorizing important facts. I learn best in my procedural courses when we do group work also, the group work helps me figure out the different ways my classmates solve a problem rather than having to rely on just my understanding of the problem. I also find it very helpful when the professors do in class assignments, for example, my accounting professor tells us to print off certain practice sets for every chapter and we complete them in class as we are lecturing. I find this very helpful because when I am taking a math base course I need to actually being working out equations, I can’t fully understand the concepts by just

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