Problems In Hatchet

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In the novel “Hatchet”, by Gary Paulsen, Brian Robeson is stranded on an island. When you first think of being stranded on an island, you most likely think if you will have enough food to eat. Well, this is one of Brian’s many problems. IN these first couple chapters, he has been trying to eat or drink anything he can find. He has drank in-purified water to turtle eggs. So, Brian is starving, but some of the things he has eaten may cause him to be more things than, just hungry. First off, the average human cannot go three days without water. For, Brian has not been drinking a lot water.However, when he did drink it was lake water. The water from the lake that he crashed the plane, where the pilot's dead body is, different plants and animals live there, and where many germs can be found. Drinking this dirty water is a cause of why he threw up. On the other hand, now that he can build a fire, he can boil the water. It is good to boil the water, because when you boil the water, it kills all the germs or things that you would not want to drink. …show more content…

Also, the average human cannot eat for three weeks, lucky for Brian he has only been in the wild for about three to four days. Although, he maybe be starving he has eaten many foods that are unhealthy for humans or can harm a human’s body. For example he ate gut cherries, which are also known as choke cherries. These cherries are wild and caused him to have aches and pains in his gut. Along with eating the cherries, he later ater turtle eggs. IN America it is illegal to eat turtle eggs, for Brian is in Canada. Eating raw eggs can be a lead to illnesses, but Brain did not feel sick after eating them. Brian could have gotten a rock and friend it of the fire to at least get to be not as liquidy. Lastly, this does not have to do with Brian’s eating, but he could have gotten one of many diseases from all of his mosquito

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