Pro Assisted Suicide Speech

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Do you feel its right to help someone who suffers from terminal illness to receive assisted suicide? Imagine one of your family members wanting doctor assisted to commit suicide, when they have a longer lifetime ahead, imagine the impact of everyone around them. Students, teachers and honorable judges, I believe any type of assisted suicide should be illegal altogether since assisted suicide is just like a third degree murder, doctors who decide to help are committing a crime, and this will lead to a close to life which also stop researchers to research for a cure. If you really think about it isn’t assisted suicide a 3nd degree murder but with someone’s permission. You might be asking how? Doctor assisted suicide is a 3rd degree murder because you are helping someone who deserves to live in this world by giving them drugs that will slowly but surely kill them in pain sometimes which the purpose of assisted suicide is to help someone in pain commit suicide without receiving any other pain but giving …show more content…

Assisted suicide should come to an end but we need researcher to do their job and come up with a cure to the reason people are going down the wrong path rather than the right path. By legalizing assisted suicide, will have a disproportionate impact on disables, illness and old, while everyone else receives suicide preventions but people with disabilities and certain illness or old patients will receive a faster pass with assistance because the world view their lives less worthy which isn’t right, every single one should live their lives till their last breathe in peace, everyone is worth the same no matter what. Assisted suicide shouldn’t be a choice, Life isn’t a video game, it doesn’t come with a rewind, fast forward or pause button, once it starts, it plays until you press Stop, never press stop, just live through it while it

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