Prioritizing Work Tasks

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Prioritize- by prioritizing your work tasks correctly you can ensure the most important jobs are being done followed by the others in ascending order. Urgency doesn't mean importance so you can assess whether something can wait whilst you finish working on something that is more important. This can also go beyond simply working out which is most important but also what can be done when. Delegation can also be seen as an aspect of prioritization in that if you can have someone else do certain tasks whilst you address more important ones.

Set performance goals- setting performance goals allows you to track progress you are making on a task/project. It provides you with motivation due to being able to physically see the progress made. It should be clear and have clear set out goals that are measurable they should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. These guidelines can ensure that you are on track, behind or exceeding expectations whilst ensuring that the goals aren't too small or large.

Taking breaks- very few people can work all the time and maintain their motivation. This is where taking breaks comes into play, by breaking down tasks into smaller attainable steps it keeps up the motivation and also allows one to feel like they …show more content…

friends but also finding time for yourself will help to ensure you don't feel inundated with your work requirements. Sleeping well and eating well also are factors that help with this balance. It can be easy to allow our work to take priority but this is when stress becomes a factor that impacts on the other aspects of ones life and this strain cause further degradation. The opposite can lead to the same effects that if you aren't being productive enough at work then falling behind will lead to this stress

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