Prince Charming By June Callwood Essay

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June Callwood has proven her point effectively in this essay on the myth of a “Prince Charming” in favour of a much more much down to earth person with lasting qualities. Callwood debunks the myth of a “Prince Charming” with her first sentence. “I don’t believe for a moment that a perfect mate exists and if such a freak of nature did occur that person would not be a heavenly match for me because I am imperfect and we would clash” (paragraph 1). Callwood debunks this myth by proving that even if such a person did exist; said person is highly unlikely to be a match due to our imperfections. Callwood indirectly uses a cliché in order to tell the reader how to find love. “Amazingly, the pounding heart is not always an idiot; some inner wisdom or instinct seems to guide many people to the right choice, and one they might never have made cognitively” (paragraph 4). …show more content…

The author uses symbolism by symbolising the perfect mate that everyone tries to find, as “Prince Charming”; especially when discussing the advice she gave to her granddaughters. “What I have been saying to them since they were so small I could hold them on my lap is the successful mating has little to do with find Prince Charming, who in my experience frequently is a narcissistic dope” (Paragraph 8). She uses the term “prince Charming” to describe how unrealistic the idea of this person’s existence is and uses words like “narcissistic dope” to describe this person. In conclusion, through this it is clear that Callwood successfully debunked the myth of a “Prince Charming in favour of a much more down to earth person with lasting

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