Primadonna Girl

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In the song Primadonna Girl by Marina and the DIamonds and The Fear by Lily Allen, the writers explore the materialistic nature of the world and society. Primadonna Girl touches on self-image and how people use objects to substitute loneliness whilst The Fear is more of a reflection of how greedy the world is, rather than a single person. In Primadonna girl, the song describes a girl who is fighting with determination for possessions that she thinks will make her happy. The Fear describes how people are willing to make all sorts of sacrifices for money and wealth. Primadonna Girl gives me a sense of a girl who has built a self-image of being a primadonna and can't escape it. This image makes her chase after things that she doesn't need, because that's the person she has convinced herself to be. 'I'm sad to the core, core, core, every day is a chore, chore, chore.' She knows she isn't happy, but continues to chase after the Primadonna life and pursues things like diamond rings and living in the limelight. She reminds me of a lonely and insecure young girl, trapped in a identity crisis - her loneliness causing her to desperately seek attention. She doesn't know what to do, so she continues on the path she knows best; being a primadonna girl. Her …show more content…

I wish I could extend my hand and help her find a direction in her life, but it seems she's too far gone in her primadonna life, surrounded by diamonds and fame. The text has shown me that when

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