Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Jane Austen wrote Pride and prejudice. Jane Austin was born on the 16 of December in 1775 at Steven ton Recovery. I think in this story Jane Austin tries to show how people judging others on first impression can go misleading people into the wrong judgement of each other. Life was very different for people back those days. People were most concerned about wealth and family class. Ladies especially were suffering because a ladies did not go to work therefore she couldn't go on earning her own money, so marring a rich man was her way of solving her financial gain. If a women was not very pretty than she was not expected to find a very rich man. The Bennets family consist of a family of five daughters and mother and father. A women could not inherit her fathers wealth so its problem for the Bennets because without a son in the family there would be nobody else to be able to carry on the family wealth. The only alternative for them is that it all goes to the nearest male relative, Mr Bennets nepew Mr collins. Elizabeth takes special interest into Mr Darcy however the feeling is not mutual as Mr Darcy describes her not tolerable or handsome enough for him. Elizabeth's hatred for Mr Darcy grows when she hears of his dealings with Mr Wickham and than she later learns it was because of Mr Darcy that her sister Jane and Mr Bingly were separated. After all these events Mr Darcy is in fact in love Elizabeth and proposes to her, Elizabeth astonished insults him and says she can't forget how awful he was her sister and how ill mannered he is. In chapter 33, Elizabeth while working with Mr Darcy'... ... middle of paper ... ... of their relationship is realistic because it would be very rare that any women would accept to marry a man who had insulted her and described her family as uncivilised. It would be a very rare that two people who despised each other like Elizabeth and Darcy end up being married especially after all the events that had occurred between them. I think Jane Austin is saying in this novel that relationships can go from as worst as possible to the best. She is saying that people are not always as they seem and that sometimes people who have very different personalities tend to get along. I agree with this because I think people with similar personalities may not find each other interesting and tend to get bored of each other very quickly. On the other hand people who have very different personalities tend to attract.

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