Pride Definition Essay

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Pride is a concept that we are all familiar with, but try to avoid being prideful about anything. Pride is defined as the feeling of respect for your or someone you know’s accomplishments. Although the definition of pride doesn’t describe it in a negative way, pride has a negative connotation in society. Although we don’t see it as such, pride can be both a good or a bad trait. Pride encompasses a number of aspects, one element of pride is satisfaction. Satisfaction is the happy feeling you get because of something you did or something good that happened to you. An example of this is the aftermath of WW1. Europe was decimated, specifically France and the British army. The allies were not satisfied with winning the war, since there was so much destruction, so in order to satisfy the countries, they decided to force Germany into a deal that would make them pay all of the war reparations. The american people were not satisfied after the war, because they didn’t feel like anything came out of the war, there was no benefit to anyone after the war was won. Satisfaction is something that everyone craves, and in order to be satisfied we need the recognition of others. Whether it be a reward, like a medal or money, or …show more content…

The boundary between these two sides of pride is extremely thin, it only takes a little too much pride to plunge yourself into arrogance and overconfidence. Taking pride in your own work and the work of others is an important aspect of our lives. It makes us competitive, it brings us up together. If we don’t take some pride in something then we will never feel like we can amount to something, and we will put down others that we don’t feel are worthy of our pride. However, if we take too much pride in ourselves then we become conceited and arrogant. Taking too much pride in someone else can result in inferiority complex and extreme idolization which are also negative effects of

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