Pretend Play In Child Development Essay

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Numerous studies have been conducted on the topics related to children and their development. Over the last seventy years numerous researchers have investigated whether there is a correlation between children’s actions and their outcomes. One of the phenomena that appeared to be crucial to children’s development is pretend play. It can be defined as the acting out of stories which involves a multitude of perspectives that reflect the child’s cognitive and social development. The main question of this essay is to compare the standpoints of three different sources and asses them with a general conclusion about the impact of pretend play in children’s development. Pretend play is an important factor in children’s health development and it is an epiphenomenon – a secondary effect that drives development, some of the most important being: language, narrative, emotion regulation and reasoning. The true causal agents that go along with the play are children, adults and the environmental characteristics. (Gazzaniga et al., 2016). An article aimed at parents states that play “is a significant contributor to the child’s cognitive, physical, emotional, and social …show more content…

The main idea expressed here is the importance of the environment, especially school. “A school atmosphere in which pretend games are encouraged, or even just tolerated in the curriculum or recess play of children has also been shown to lead to even greater amounts of imaginativeness and enhanced curiosity” (Ashiabi, 2007; Singer and Lythcott, 2004). When children are playing, they are taking on different roles that provide them with the opportunity to learn social skills such as communication, and empathy. The central idea of this source is pointing the positive impact of scholar environment in correlation with pretend

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