President Barack Obama's Immigration Policies

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Our President Barack Obama has announced a major changes to the United States of America’s immigration policies. These changes will affect millions of people who entered the country without permission. On November 21, 2014, Our President Barack Obama announced an immigration accountability executive action. President Obama took the action through an official declaration, known as an “executive order”. According to this nation “Executive order are legally binding orders given by the President, acting as the head of the Executive Branch, to Federal Administrative Agencies.”(This Nation) Obama was quoted by voa saying “his order will help immigrants to come out of the shadows.” (Obama Orders) President Obama immigration executive action temporarily …show more content…

His action is probably one of the most sensible approach from an economic, social, and security perspective. By allowing those to become citizen it would boost the nation’s economy, increase consumers to purchase more, states would also benefit, benefit certain industries that require high-skilled workers, and it also would keep them and their families together. According to thinking progress “More than two-thirds of the immigrants working without papers in the United States have contributed to our economy and culture for more than a decade.”(Thinking Progress) Thinking progress also said “Bringing these hard-working immigrants off the economic sidelines would generate a $1.5 trillion boost to the nation’s cumulative GDP over 10 years and add close to $5 billion in additional tax revenue in just the next three years.” Legalizing these undocumented immigrants in the United States would boost the nation’s economy. By adding these immigrants’ would a thing progress said it would “cumulative $1.5 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product—the largest measure of economic growth.”(Think Progress) Higher wages and even better jobs would increase a consumer to purchase more, which would also benefit the U.S. economy as a …show more content…

According to Thinking Progress “The federal government would accrue $4.5 billion to $5.4 billion in additional net tax revenue over just three years if the 11 million undocumented immigrants were legalized.” (Think Progress) States would benefit from allowing immigrate become citizens. Thinking Progress stated “U.S Texas, for example, would see a $4.1 billion gain in tax revenue and the creation of 193,000 new jobs if its approximately 1.6 million undocumented immigrants were legalized. “ (Thing Progress) Another benefit would be the significant reform of the high-skilled industries that require high-skilled workers. “Immigrants make up 23 percent of the labor force in high-tech manufacturing and information technology industries, and immigrants more highly educated, on average, than the native-born Americans working in these industries. For every immigrant who earns an advanced degree in one of these fields at a U.S. university, 2.62 American jobs are created.”(Thinking Progress) Lastly, the final benefit would the drop in child well fare. Letting undocumented immigrants gain legal status would keep them and their families

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