Present Day Movie And Psychology Essay

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Present Day Films and Psychology The films I chose to watch were “Perks of Being a Wallflower” and “As Good as it Gets.” Perks of Being a Wallflower follows the story of Charlie, a high school freshman, trying to find his way in the world after people close to him die. Charlie quickly befriends Sam and Patrick, two high school seniors, who give him a different high school experience full of friendship, music, movies, and parties. The protagonist deals with the highs and lows of high school and demons of his own. In the next film, As Good as it Gets, we follow the life of Melvin Udall who suffers strongly from OCD. When Melvin’s neighbor, Simon, gets hurt during a robbery, his dog stays and bonds with Melvin. With the introduction of the dog, Melvin begins to ease up on his rude behavior and strong habits and tries to be a “better man” for the woman he soon begins to take a liking to, Carol. The main psychological topic …show more content…

In the opening scenes of the movie Melvin displays obsession, which are repeated thoughts or urges that can lead to anxiety, with his fear of germs. He proceeds to show his compulsions, which are repeated behaviors based on obsessions, with hand washing using different bars of soap, keeping things such as his soap in order, not stepping on the wrong pavement, and locking the door to his apartment multiple times over. With this disorder, some may have tics that can consist of grunting,clearing of the throat, and more which Melvin displays multiple times in the film. OCD can be treated through medication and/or psychotherapy, which The main character uses to “become a better man,” for Carol. Both films share the treatment outreach to become better people for their friends and family, Perks of Being a Wallflower shows the medical side of it and As Good As It Gets shows the reason for the willingness to receive the

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