Prescription Drug Abuse In Young Women

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Drug addiction among women has become a dangerous epidemic in society that is seemingly growing worse. Taking prescription drugs is slowly becoming just as popular as any other drug. 3.7 million women have used illegal drugs in the past year (Women and Drug Abuse.) It is also known that most women drug abusers use more than one drug. Drug addiction with women is very serious in the following ways: it can cause health problems; overdoses are a growing problem; and it can cause problems with fertility and pregnancy.

Women who use drugs often suffer from other serious health problems, sexually transmitted diseases and mental health problems, such as depression (Women and Drug Abuse). Drug abuse can stem from health issues, or it can be the …show more content…

The CDC estimates that up to eighteen women die in the United States everyday from an overdose of opioid drugs, many of which were obtained through a prescription (A Study of Drug Addiction Between the Genders). Many women are adept at what is known as “functional addiction”. Functional addicts continue to go to work each day or get the kids to school on time but they do so under the influence (Drug Abuse Treatment for Women). According to “the survey”, forty one percent of young women report their inability to cope with stress as the main reason for using drugs (What Causes Drug Abuse in Young Women?). Functional addicts and others who do drugs because of stress are ones whose lives are so busy that they turn to drugs to get themselves through the day. Another reason for some women to use drugs is to stay awake and motivated; drugs like crystal meth and cocaine are popular for women who work in the home and in the business …show more content…

There are many serious issues that can come from drug addiction that have consequences with your health especially with conditions that require prescriptions. Overdoses in women is something that isn’t as recognized as it should be specially when it is known for women to get addicted more quickly. Pregnant women who are abusing prescription drugs can face dire outcomes with their babies if there isn’t help given to the mother in enough time. Sometimes addiction cannot be helped when the drugs that you think should be helping you are actually not, making you believe that you need something else to take. It may not be a quick turnaround, but with time some need to realize what they are doing to themselves and to others to really start making a change in their

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