Preparing Prenatal Classes

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As a new parent, the best way to prepare yourself and your partner is by taking prenatal classes. These classes will prepare the parents I'm different areas. The leader of the class will go through various areas such as feeding, wrapping the baby and looking after the child. This will not only prepare the parents, but it will give them base knowledge that will help them support as their child go through the first years of life. All parents will need to be equipped with a bassinet for when the child first exists out of the hospital it will be able to sleep comfortably. A high chair is also needed for children who are starting to eat solids (3 months). Parents will also need a pram or ergo or harness to take the baby from place A to B. As a baby will not be able to walk the parents will need to carry the child everywhere. After the child grows out of the bassinet the parents will need to invest in a cot which is a bigger and allows a growing baby more room to grow and sleep. Baby blankets, bibs clothing eg onesies,socks, head wear, booties, pants, long and …show more content…

It should be filled with bright colours and pictures as babies are attracted to bright colours and this will effect their mood making them feel happier. It is a good idea to stick to lightweight artwork and pictures was heavier objects could fall off of the wall and possibly onto the child. Don't use decorations with long strings, ribbons as the child could reach up and tangle themselves in the strings. Depending on what colour paint the best choice is to go for a water based paint as it contains organic compounds that won't fill the child's lungs with dangerous chemicals. The best furniture woods to avoid are pressed wood, particleboard, and plywood as they contain formaldehyde, which can cause nose and throat irritation and breathing trouble. When choosing flooring, carpet is the best choice as it will cushion a child's fall eg if they fall out of their

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