Pre Tribulation Paper

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As born again believers in Christ Jesus, it is imperative to know what we believe and why we believe the doctrines taught in the scriptures. This paper will explicate these three doctrinal the teachings, the existence of hell, eternal punishment and the more popular view the pre-tribulation interpretation. We are living in a society that is in opposition to Christianity and the teachings of the bible, woe are those who forget God. Why is it essential to believe in these doctrines? Because many false teachings and heresies are promoted by the various cults, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormon, Unification Church, and New Age. Deviant teachings of the bible such as Universalism and we are faced with other religious belief systems such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, …show more content…

Then there will be a time of great affliction and destruction upon on the earth. The view on whether Christ will physically reign on the earth for a thousand year is known as the millennium. Two theories are as follows: Christ will come and remove the church before the tribulation is pre-tribulation. The strongest evidence in the bible that supports the pre-tribulation view and the rapture of the saints is the biblical doctrine that Jesus Christ will return for the saints before the 7-years Tribulation periods. Matthew 24:44, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” And Luke 12:40, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” Anything other than a Pre-tribulation Rapture predicts the Rapture, telling us that it will be unpredictable, imminent, without warning, and will be visible only to the saints. Whereas the post tribulation view believes that the church will go through the tribulation and the coming of Christ for the church will not take place until the conclusion of the

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