Power And Family Culture

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Power can create dysfunctional behaviors among culture depending on someone’s perception. Power draws others to conform to their beliefs and dominate the behaviors of their followers. As culture creates behaviors that make one feel, that should be the way to behave. One who seeks to gain power may manipulate others to meet their need disregarding the culture of others. Triandis (2000) mention, that family culture have this bond of tightness which occurs in situations where people are highly interdependent. The person that seeks to not follow loses the power and become vulnerable. Traiandis (2000) defines “conflict is greater when the two cultures are very different than when they are similar”(p.145). Being of a culture where, guest are treated with hospitality and a must offer them something to eat, understanding is something that I always have conformed to as a young …show more content…

The feeling of enjoyment when it comes to entertaining, I make sure that I have all the essential needs for my guest. However, when it comes to my in-laws, I lost the pleasure of providing for or entertaining them. My caring to please others, made me ignorance to the abuse I had dealt with until a situation, took place ten years ago, which alerted me to my exploitation. Every since, there is tension every time, I encounter two particular in-laws which is very irritating. In sharing my concerns to my spouse, I feel that my husband fears that when he got married, he deviated from the family norm that it will be detrimental to the relationship, he has with his family members (Triandis, 2000). In confronting one in-law (I will identify them as person A), of the conflict, and that I am not going to be the one that is constantly hosting and providing, she did not acknowledge my concerns but shared that another family member (I will identify them as person B), should be the one welcoming and hosting for the

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