Poverty And Crime Case Study

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POVERTY” wrote Aristole is the “parent of crime”, however can one believe this be right? Certainly, there is evidence to show that poverty and crime are correlated. And that those who have a lower income, committing crimes seems like a plausible idea. However one cannot say one is the cause of the other. Furthermore research (Sariaslan, A 1989) from the Karolina institute, in Stockholm, just published in the British journal of Psychiatry casts doubt on this ideology- at least with the causation of individuals committing violent crimes or indulging themselves in recreational drugs. One does not believe poverty can be a causation of crime.

In most scandinavian nations the government collects personal data from their civilians. From this Sariaslan …show more content…

This was done for an average of three-and-a-half years. To no-ones surprise, it was concluded that teenagers that grew up in families whose earnings were considered below average were seven times more likely to commit violent offences. And twice as likely to be convicted for drug offences as a oppose to teenagers whose families earnings were a considerably higher than average. However, the team did find that when they looked at families who grew more affluent over time, the younger offspring—those born into relative luxury—were just as likely to misbehave when they were teenagers similarly to their elder siblings. As a result, family income was not a determining factor in committing crime. This suggests two, not mutually exclusive, possibilities. One, being that a family’s culture, once established, stays within the family—that you can, take “children out of the hood, but not the hood out of them”. An example of this, is that children tend to copy the actions of their elder siblings whom they admire, which is plausible. The other possibility, is that “genes are fully responsible for criminal activity” (Joseph,J, 2001, Journal of mind and behaviour) thus meaning that criminal activities will follow those who have “particular genes” no matter what hierarchy level they live …show more content…

This again, shows that “poverty does not cause crime, it’s the mentality of others(Prager,D, 2005)” as Prager argues. This statement alone is worth remembering when an American claims that violent crime in America is caused by poverty. The poor who commit murder, rape, and robbery are not only not starving, they have far more material possessions than the word “poverty” suggests. Among all poor households:over 99 percent have a refrigerator, television, and stove or oven; eighty-one percent have a microwave; seventy-five percent have air conditioning; sixty-seven percent have a second television; sixty-four percent have a clothes washer; thirty-eight have a personal computer.( Roda, C & Weinstein, D 2008). As for homelessness, one-half of 1 percent living under the poverty line have lost their homes and live in shelters. Seventy-five percent of the poor have a car or some sort of accessible transport. Online ten percent live in mobile homes or trailers, half live in detached single-family houses or townhouses, and forty percent live in apartments. Forty- two percent of all “poor” households own their home, average of which is a three-bedroom house with one and a half baths, garage, and a porch. (Residential Energy Consumption Survey,

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