Potato Osmosis Lab

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In this experiment, the effect of osmosis on the weight change of a potato was examined. The purpose of this lab was to study whether the weight or volume of the potato was effected if there was an increase or loss of water. Seven evenly cut pieces of potato cylinder were incubating in distilled water, 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M, 0.4M, 0.5M, and 0.6M sucrose solutions for 1.3 hours to test the effect of osmolarity on the potato tuber cell. The pieces were weighed and compared to the weight of the potato before the incubation. Each final weight of the potato cylinder decreased as the concentrations of sucrose became higher, and the change in weight of the potato decreased in the higher concentrations of sucrose. Within the incubation period, the water

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