Potato Face: A Short Story

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This is a story about a 13 year old girl named Anna. She was a beautiful young lady and everyone in the family adored her. She and her mother Beth lived alone for about 2 years now. Anna’s dad died at a car accident. The girl got really quiet since that happened to her dad and nobody had a clue what was going on with the girl. Yes, Anna hat a secret and nobody in her family knew anything about it. This is a story about a girl named Anna, but everybody in school called her “Potato face”! Anna hated school and she didn’t like when she got woken up every morning by this loud sound. It was her alarm clock. ” I hate this alarm clock!” she mumbled. She didn’t feel like getting up and to get ready. Today was picture day in school and that was the worst day ever for her. "What can I do what can I say? I didn't want to go to school today. Anna was overweight and didn’t really like herself as much as she did before her dad died. That’s when she started to get weight. “She didn't like the way she looked on pictures and the kids would make fun of her even more than they did already. Anna was lying in bed, trying to think of a good excuse to stay at home today. She played with her fingers in her dark brown hair and she thought …show more content…

Now, she knew what bullies are. And she would use one day her story to use it Against Bullies! She was upset and couldn't believe how many kids suffer every day in schools and online because of bullies. And how many of these kids actually took their own life because the kids just couldn't take the abuse and pain no more. Anna started to cry and her mom came in into her room. She could hear her daughter crying all the way downstairs. “What’s wrong Baby?" She asked. Anna looked at her mom and the tears ran down her pretty face. She said “Did you know that 2012, 804.000 kids made suicide because they got

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