The Movie Industry: The Future Of The Film Industry

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The film industry is constantly evolving with new technologies that can either assist the creative industries or hinder them. There are both positive and negative views as to whether the film industries future looks good. The positive effects of new distribution methods called Cinema cloud is one reason the film industry needs to stay current and on top of technology in the future, to be able to adapt to new processes. Streaming services such as Netflix are becoming increasingly popular, changing the way movies and television shows are viewed also creating original shows that fall exclusively to Netflix allowing audiences to be drawn into subscribing thus increasing profitability. However the internet becoming more accessible and illegal The film business will continue to create new technologies allowing the growth with popular culture . Film distribution will continue to change over time and will bring forward new processes to ensure there are cost effective and efficient ways of distribution domestically and internationally. The film industry is unable to compete to the free aspect that illegally downloading provides, however is able to find alternate positive enhancements towards a profitable and economical foreseeable future. Illegal downloading websites such as ‘bit-torrent’ need to be closely monitored in parallel to free to air television, in order to end seamlessly great quality film and television being uploaded to the internet. The entertainment industry must end the illegal downloading phenomenon as it has the ability to paralyse any further income to the entertainment industry. Online streaming services such as worldwide number one, with over 81 million subscribers in more than 190 countries world wide, Netflix has made a major impact in the availability of online streaming. however the difference in accessible film and television shows based on the geographical destinations around the world receiving different range of media is due to copyright and piracy laws that they are currently working towards fixing so that all their customers receive the same experience, no matter where you live in the

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