Population Trends In Health Care

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The health care system is very complexed and it is tremendously different from what it used to be years ago. The United States has one of the poorest health care systems compared to England and Canada. Every new politician feels as if they have the better solution for healthcare (Wilensky, 2008).
Some population trends that is most important to the planning, financing, and delivery of health care are strong head winds will force change. The numbers say it all. Intense funding pressure on Medicare and Medicaid, decreasing commercial reimbursement, declining volume trends, federal budget deficits, and growing uncompensated care. Employer based commercial insurance will undergo a major change. Whether it's an employer mandate or widespread exchanges, companies will have an entirely new relationship with employees when it comes to health care coverage (Wilensky, 2008). …show more content…

They may be more collaborative in the rapidly emerging new world of health care, but they will also pay less. Consumers will control more of their health care dollars. An increase in individual and high deductible health plans will force consumers to be more active in their own health care and will lead to more consumer decision making. Providers will be required to adapt to increased demand for medicine and provide greater data and transparency. Providers will be financially challenged. Quality through coordination and evidence-based medicine, not gatekeeping, is the answer. Put another way, better care will lead to better health, which will lead to lower costs. This transition from fee for service medicine will be wrenching by closings and the growing trend toward consolidation (Wilensky,

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