Population Based Epidemiological Studies

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Epidemiology There are no large population based epidemiological studies estimating the prevalence of NCGS. In the United States, the only population based study is the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey which was done in the United States between 2009-2010 on 7762 persons from the general population and aimed to estimate the prevalence of CD through serological testing for tTg IgA and if findings were abnormal, for IgA endomysial antibodies. It secondarily aimed to measure the self-reported estimated prevalence of individuals on a GFD. The estimated prevalence of individuals on a GFD without CD was 0.55% and this was considered by the study authors to be synonymous with the prevalence of NCGS(Rubio-Tapia A., 2012). Worldwide, …show more content…

After this, the elimination diet is initiated with strict elimination of gluten-containing cereals for six weeks. Macronutrient ratios and caloric intake are not calculated and do not factor into the gluten elimination diet. The clinical response is determined through the validated questionnaire which is filled out on a weekly basis. The clinical response is significant if there is clinical improvement in greater than 30% of the baseline score of one to three main symptoms or at least one symptom with no worsening of others for 50% of the 6-week period on a GFD. The second step is to determine the clinical feedback of gluten reintroduction for 2 weeks. Gluten reintroduction can be conducted as a double blind placebo controlled trial for research settings or a single blinded trial for clinical practice. After obtaining baseline scores, gluten reintroduction is initiated. The patients are given a muesli bar, bread or muffin containing 8 grams of gluten with at least 0.3 g of amylase-trypsin inhibitor/8 g of gluten and no FODMAPS for one week followed by an indistinguishable placebo for one week followed by a second week of gluten reintroduction. The clinical feedback is considered significant if there is greater than 30% variation of score …show more content…

Lionetti and colleagues performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on all studies using a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled re-challenge trial to estimate the prevalence of NCGS and found 8 studies including 1298 patients meeting eligibility criteria. Participants adopted a GFD for 1 week – 12 months followed by a double-blind placebo controlled gluten re-challenge for 1 day – 6 months with 4.4-52 gram/day (g/d) of gluten with finding of no significant difference in clinical relapse with either gluten or placebo re-challenge (36% versus 31%, p=0.2). However, when Lionetti and colleagues applied Salerno experts’ criteria and only selected studies administering a GFD for 6 weeks followed by a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled gluten re-challenge with ≥8g of gluten/day for ≥1 week, they found only 3 studies with 124 patients that met inclusion criteria. The first study was a single center study done in Australia in 34 patients with IBS symptoms diagnosed by Rome III criteria and resolution of symptoms on a GFD for 6 weeks who were randomized to receive a GFD plus muffins and bread with either 16 g/d of gluten or placebo for 6 weeks with finding of a significant relapse after a gluten challenge in patients consuming gluten versus placebo (68% versus 40%,

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