Popular Mechanics By Raymond Carver Analysis

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In the short story, “Popular Mechanics,” by Raymond Carver, starts with a short rise in action through the introduction of the characters, setting, and plot. The short story has a face paced touch, which moves quickly towards the climax and released the resolution right after. The short story was narrated in third person in order to reveal the actions and the dialogue between a man and a woman which expressed separation, struggle, miscommunication, and conflict between the couple. In the beginning of the short story there was already a sense of separation between the couple through how the husband or boyfriend is described as packing up his clothes because he plans on leaving the house. When the wife or girlfriend comes home, she realizes …show more content…

“[w]here it was getting dark. But it was getting dark on the inside too (Carver 123). Popular Mechanics begins with how the day transforms into a late afternoon. The acts the couple commits towards the baby is described as being dark within the house. The kitchen is described to hold a sense of darkness where the couple fights against one another for the custody of the baby. Carver states, “The kitchen window gave no light. In the near-dark he worked on her fisted fingers with one hand and with the other hand he gripped the screaming baby up under an arm near the …show more content…

After reading this short story, reader 's can interpret that wherever there is darkness, no life can come out from it. Carver 's usage of the kitchen as being a location free of light was described that the couple 's struggle was the pulling of the baby until the baby got torn apart. The theme develops teachings that modern-day families are avoiding proper ethics and values in society today. The darkness which was filling up in that house expresses that the family has no moral values in order to take proper care of the baby. On this account, no true light can present itself in this dark setting. The tone of the story is angry, aggressive, and tense because the father is trying to leave the mother with their child. The tone of the short story was established in the first paragraph of “Popular Mechanics,” when the woman walks in and screams to the man, “Son of a bitch! I 'm so glad you 're leaving!” (Carver 123). Another scene that readers pictured is when the man was ready and packed to leave and the woman would not allow him to take the baby with him which resulted into a physical

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