Pope John Paul 2 Vs. 1-3

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VS 1-3 Pope John Paul II begins Veritatis Splendor by reminding us that Jesus Christ is the light that enlightens the world, and that as his children, we are called to obey his truth. He states that mankind always retains a deep yearning for greater knowledge, because all true knowledge comes from God. John Paul II goes on to explain that all the fundamental questions of life can be found through Jesus, or in fact is Jesus. Jesus Christ is the light for all nations, and therefore the meaning of life can only come from his divine illumination. Pope John Paul II expounds upon this truth by reminding us that the best way to find the truth that is Jesus is with the help and guidance of the Church. He also recalls that the path to salvation is …show more content…

With the Decalogue, God extended the answer, offering us a new heart with a revitalized spirit. In the Ten Commandments, God offered the faithful the Kingdom of Israel, but in Christ’s New Covenant we are offered the Kingdom of Heaven. When the rich young man asks Jesus what commandments to follow, Jesus responds with those related to loving your neighbor. Christ is not insinuating that these commandments are more important than others, but is instead showing how by serving others we ultimately serve God. We cannot love God, without also loving our neighbors, those created in God’s image. John Paul II also reminds us that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s commandments, not the replacement. Jesus invites us to see the Ten Commandments as a path to better ourselves, not a minimum …show more content…

We are only capable of doing so with God’s freely given gift of grace. Unfortunately, many of us like the rich young man are not willing to accept the grace of God, preferring instead to live in the dark. John Paul II connects this gift with the fulfillment of the Law by Christ. The Law allows us to see our own shortcomings before God and enables us to ask for “life in the Spirit”. The Law demands righteousness of us, but this can only be attained by the new life granted by Jesus. John Paul II clarifies that the God’s gift of grace does not lessen the moral standards we are to uphold. Rather, it reinforces the moral demands of love, because we are more prepared to maintain them. Christ’s New Law does not solely state what must be done, but it also gives us the power to do what is correct in God’s

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