Poor Educational Achievement and Opportunities for Foster Youth

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“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life”(Plato). Plato’s assessment was accurate, because the importance of learning enables individuals to put their potentials to optimal use. The foster care system can handicap the educational achievement of children. This handicap can follow those children beyond the scholastic world and into the professional world. Today, seventy percent of teens that break away from foster care report that they want to attend college, but less than fifty percent graduate from high school. Fewer than twenty percent of those who graduate from high school actually enroll in college, and of those less than three-percent graduate with a degree. Post emancipation, fifty percent are unemployed, forty-percent are on public assistance, twenty-five percent become homeless, and twenty-percent are incarcerated at least once (Assessing the effect). Constant relocation from facility to facility results in a lack of stability and consistency in foster children’s lives. This lack of stability can translate into poor performance in school. To achieve higher graduate rates, education institutions should attempt to facilitate the scholastic dreams of foster children. Thus, Riverside City College (RCC) can enable foster children to reach higher levels of academic success by offering priority registration as it does with the disabled, military personnel, and veterans.

On January 25, 2011, United States President, Barack Obama emphasized during his State of the Union Address, the importance of higher education; urging more Americans to get college degrees (Browne). Higher education can lead to prestigious careers, higher salaries, and overall serves as the gateway to better life opportunit...

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