Ponyboy Character Analysis Essay

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Description of Collage for Ponyboy: Physical traits: One physical trait that stud out to me through the book was how the author described Ponyboy by his handsome looks. This is shown in the quotation, “I think I’m okay looking, but Darry and Sodapop think I’m handsome.” This quotation states the author is trying to express to the readers that one of Ponyboy’s physical traits is handsome. This physical trait, handsome was represented in the collage by the word handsome. Another physical trait that the author, S.E. HINTON heavily mentioned was how Ponyboy has light brown, almost red hair. This was displayed in the quotation, “I have light brown, almost red hair.” This physical trait is showed in a photo of him sitting on a wood wall because …show more content…

I thought Ponyboy’s main personality throughout the book was mature. I felt the author was trying to convey this because he wasn’t like Darry who was the boss of things or Dally who was loud. Ponyboy listens to everyone, respects everyone, and he acts like he’s the one grown up. This was shown in the quotation, “I could hear Johnny laughing at me but, I didn’t care.” This quotation shows Ponyboy doesn’t react back to those silly things, he just ignores it. Mature is represent by the word mature in the collage. I also thought a key part of Ponyboy’s personality was that he was hardworking. For example, Ponyboy’s literary interests and academic accomplishments. This is shown in the quotation, “Mr. Syme, this is Ponyboy. That theme -- how long can it be?” This is quotation shows that Ponyboy cares about his mark because he wants to the best as possible. This one part of Ponyboy’s personality is represented by a man in a green shirt and blue pants carrying a big wood box because it shows that this man is working hard to carry that box. Overall, Ponyboy’s personality stuck out strongly compared to the other people in his

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