Political Correctness In The United States

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Political correctness has acted as a muzzle to those with an opinion and bubble wrap to those who are easily offended. Political correctness involves the prohibition of many common expressions and habits on the grounds that someone in our diverse society may take offence to them. It might have been born of a generous impulse - it’s good to avoid animosity when one can - but it has been taken to the extreme. It has become a nightmare for anyone with a different perspective on current affairs. We are encouraged to think about sexuality, gender identity, cultural imperialism, and race, but discouraged from talking freely about these very real issues. We have arrived at a point where we are constantly talking, but we are not actually saying anything. …show more content…

This sparked his ambition to ban all members of the Islamic faith from the United States, or insist on having all muslims carry a special pass. Moreover, the Mexicans that had immigrated to America were a focal point for the new president. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” It’s obvious that Donald Trump has some extremely racist tendencies, made exceptionally clear by his desire to build a wall along the Mexican border. Trump voters now share a similar image. This resulted in the ‘I am Muslim’ campaign - an attempt to get through to the Americans with racist beliefs as well as to support those that bare the brunt of stereotypical

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