Persuasive Essay On Political Correctness

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Theirs is an obvious divide between everyone on earth. Whether it be race, ethnicity, sexuality, politics, or anything else, everyone has their unique perspective on life. With all these differing viewpoints, there’s bound to be conflict of thought. There are many who try hard to get everyone on the same pattern when it comes to thought. These “politically correct” try hard to make no be righteous and to make every demographic not feel out of place. Writer Jonathan Chait in “Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say” challenges the politically correct culture and asks questions about the way they go through with things. In “Unmasking 'racial micro aggressions '”, another writer, Tori DeAngelis wrote an article describes racial microaggressions”, …show more content…

Thing to Say” elaborates on political correctness, and describes ways it could potentially be detrimental to society today. He gives many examples where political correctness has gotten out of control. He says one reason being was the p.c. culture thinks “…that people should be expected to treat even faintly unpleasant ideas or behaviors as full-scale offenses”. Of course many things said by some people are plain inconsiderate of some groups He talks of the hivemind that occurs when a group of people declare something right or wrong. Where assertions against their ideals are shot down and not discussed in any manner. Ideas that holds such a strong grip over the media and the culture should cause a person to be at the very least, vigilant. But to have a single faction or movement that holds the right to police other ideas that do not fit their standard can also be very concerning. Are we to believe that political correctness this belief system is correct in every single …show more content…

It so happens that a strong reactionary movement in response to something can also be misguided in their efforts, even if pursued in the name of the greater good. These strong reactionary movements lean heavily on one side, and their proponents reverberate like-minded ideas in an echo chamber, rather than being more balanced and nuanced, and not forming an ideology that is so uniformly “left.” Of course, they will say they have a right to be mad and I am not condemning their feelings of anger and indignation, but that a movement spurred out of these feelings is bound to be incorrect in at least some ways. Unless political correctness is the incontrovertible truth and requires no refinement, then chances are there is work to be done and there should be no shaming for suggesting

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