Political Changes In The Middle Ages

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The lack of centralized government leads to political, social, and economic changes as people seek other sources of stability and protection. This statement is true because without a centralized government, people began to be misplaced and fall into hardship and economic struggles. Political changes in the Medieval Kingdoms in Europe occurred due to the lack of a stable centralized government. In the Middle Ages, Europe was divided into several different cities that crumbled because of a little power from the emperors. Changes to the political system could dramatically increase the economic activities that occur in a civilization. People must live with growth and decay of the world and also with adaptation and lots of adjustment to the economy and sometimes weather. Industrialization and population growth are factors in the political system in many civilizations. New forms of communication developed, the participation in politics increased, issues in politics arose, government activity changed, and war …show more content…

While people's incomes increase, their engagement in political system also increase. Throughout the history of England, voting rights were not granted to people and only the King had real power. When the nobles began to grow in in wealth and prosperity, they made sure they had a say in things. The Magna Carta limited the power of the king to benefit the power of nobles. As commoners grew wealthy and bought land to farm with, political power was extended to them as well. Following the Industrial Revolution, when wealth began to be given to the people as money and rights instead of just land. The right to vote was also extended to more people in the country. The voting class grew due to World War I because it caused millions of people to join the middle class, which was able to vote. Economic change does not always guarantee political change as

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