Policie System: Analysis And Use Of The Frankpledge System

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Frankpledge System: An early policing method where ten homes would be grouped together into a parish with every adult male being in charge of one another, then several parishes would form a shire under the watch of a shire-reeve. An example of the use of the Frankpledge system would be how the kings decide which shire-reeve would be in charge of which shire. Sheriff: The word sheriff derives from the old English word “shire-reeve”, which back then were in charge of a single shire under the authority of the king. When observing the similarities between a shire-reeve, and a sheriff, is that a shire back then is about the same size as a county which sheriff is elected to enforce the law. Shire-reeve: A shire-reeve is based off an old English term which means …show more content…

An example of its use was as an example for early American law enforcement. Private Security: An industry which provide security to the public which can cover three areas the employment of security guards, security equipment, and consulting services. To differentiate private security and private policing is that in private policing is the use of private security services. Chapter Two Crime Control Model: A model of law enforcement which emphasizes an importance on reducing crime rates at the expense of some personal liberties. To better remember the crime control model is to compare the model to an assembly line. Due Process Model: A model of law enforcement which emphasizes on a person’s individual rights that earning a conviction. A better way to remember the due process model is to think about an obstacle course that the legal system must overcome before they can hand out a decision. Confederation: A confederation is a system of government which lacks a central government. An example of a confederation would to look back to the US Articles of Confederation and the result of lacking a central

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