Police Corruption In New Orleans Criminal Justice System

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Police corruption is the miscarriage of justice by law enforcement improper actions taken by police. One of the predominant issues today when it comes to police corruption is discrimination and racial profiling (Packman .D, 2011). There have been so many high profile police corruption cases in the media over the years. Sometimes corruption can began with policing, then moves to the courts and lastly corrections.

The biggest question about police corruption is where and how can corruption surfaced in each stage of the justice system in America. To narrow the research down let’s look at one area were police corruption is a predominant issues. Police corruption occurs all over the world, however the nearest town of New Orleans, La has its share of corruption cases that add to the high statistics of police corruption. New Orleans Police Department has issue with failing to investigate crimes against women and gays, underreporting crimes, officers using unjustified force, and engaging in racial profiling of young black males (Jonsson P., 2011). It has …show more content…

“What does it mean to a community, for example, to know that three out of ten boys growing up will spend time in prison? What does it do to the fabric of the family and community to have such a substantial proportion of its young men enmeshed in the criminal justice system? What images and values are communicated to young people who see the prisoner as the most prominent pervasive role model in the community?” (Racial Disparity, n.d). Young black males and other minorities are often mentally and physically discrimination against and racial profiling. Racial bias is often acted out through physically harm of the minority (often death) excessive force because one believe or was trained that people of color are more likely to be aggressive than whites. The system is built in a way that allows for the corruption to continue through the courts and

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