Police Brutality Research Paper

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Riots then and riots now. They both consist of the same thing, a fight for civil rights that hasn’t ended yet and no one does anything about it. More than 80% of population lives on low pay, the LGBTQ community still fights for the stop of discrimination, and black lives matter turns into all lives matter. We’ve heard of our nation symbolizing freedom and equality but are we really? Now in news and even around us we’ve seen the unfair and unequal treatment towards people of color or members of the LGBTQ community. Racism still lives and police brutality keeps growing. Discrimination towards multicultural and diverse schools hasn’t seem to have stopped. We notice more and more each day how our nation doesn’t presume to change, maybe in some ways, but not at all how we expect it …show more content…

For this to occur there needs to be a reassurance to those who feel are being treated unequal and that all these problems will be fixed. Actions needs to be taken place on stopping police brutality in some way, and racism to actually be any way illegal. That’s the only way biased conduct would be able to stop because our biggest problem is racism. Poverty is caused by racism, the abuse and exploitation from the big people. The country needs to be open there eyes on what has to be done.
Ive lived long enough to realize that there is still inequality in today’s society and that throughout history it has slowly started to fade, but it has not vanished entirely. All these years that I have been in and out of different schools I’ve noticed how our diverse schools don’t get the same tools and variety of things such as those of rich and white schools. The streets we go through and the houses we live in demonstrate that we clearly are treated unfairly. There is low pay and the increase of those asking for money in streets keeps growing each day. If I can see all these things why can’t

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