Police Brutality Argumentative Essay

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Fred Robinson Aug 31,2015 10E Argumentative Essay Police brutality today is very much prevalent compared to back in the 1980’s. African Americans and maybe even other races are roused at police and their rivalry towards melanin. In 2015, there have been many highlighted events on police brutality, especially in Baltimore. Some police throughout the years have been very violent towards black citizens, even other discriminations such as hippies. In the movie “Straight Outta Compton” police were known for picking on black people because they were dressed as “thugs”. Police brutality back in the 1980’s lead to NWA making a song called “Fuck The Police”. When the police heard the song as it was being played on the radio, they pleasantly …show more content…

A biography on Google states “The Los Angeles police caught Rodney King in a car chase on March 3. The officers pulled him out of the car and decided to beat him brutally while amateur cameraman George Holliday caught it all on videotape.” Then the later king was found dead in his swimming pool. This is similar to what the NWA had been through because they were unarmed black men being picked on by police abusing their authority. Also in the case of Freddie Gray, similar to Rodney King because of police brutality. Freddie Gray was involved in a foot chase with police officers, but when the police caught him and witnessed that he appeared limb, should have called the ambulance for Freddie’s safety, they didn’t. When the police arrived at the police station, Freddie Gray was not breathing when they arrived at the police station. This case is similar to NWA because the police didn’t do their job correctly and in ways can be looked at as police brutality. Police brutality has been frequent throughout the years. This, in numerous ways, can be looked at as coming close to a police state. The world would be a better place if police and all around treated all people equally. The ramifications of not treating all American citizens equal could lead to a lot of riots and aka

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