Poetry Synthesis Essay

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Poems have always given us an artistic insight into real life matters. It is sometimes amazing how poets have the ability to implant deep thoughts into the simpler words of a poem. In this paper, I will be analyzing four specific poems and try to assess my inner thoughts and understandings relating to the matter.
The four poems are similar in terms of subject and all of them are trying to project the struggles, thoughts, and understandings of a parent. In the poem, "Mother to son", the poet visualizes a mother talking to her son about the challenges of life. This "Mother" in the poem, represents all the mothers in the world. Because it doesn't talk about any specific event, rather it talks about the fact that a mother like any other person …show more content…

This is a lesson for all of us because I have understood from this poem that every person who is a parent or an adult today had to face a lot of challenges in their life and they would never want their children to give up in front of those challenges. Life is all about not giving up. We should never give up because our parents still haven't given up. The poem "My father at work" talks about a child's impossible wish of relieving his father's workload. In the poem, the boy watches his father come home at night every day with a tired and aging body and realizes his struggles (Hertz, Rosanna, and Nancy L Marshall). Growing up, not many of us focus on their parent's lives. Sometimes we fail to notice how hard our father has to work just to make both ends meet. And this poem is a clear indication of what we might see if we notice (Hertz, Rosanna, and Nancy L Marshall). We will see the struggles he has to go through, we will see him growing tired and old but never complaining or telling us. This made me understand that our fathers are really the architects of our life. They put …show more content…

What the poem actually visualizes is that the daughter always thinks about her mother's achievements (Ng, Melissa et al.). But no matter what, her mother’s achievements are transparent to her. She wants to be unique than her mother, and she does not want to obtain what everyone else has obtained (Ng, Melissa et al.). What I understand from this poem is that every one of us wants to be better than others. Sometimes parents want their children to be like them. But these thoughts limit their freedom. Parents should always give their children the freedom to pursue whatever they want and always support them no matter what they do. We should all be free to accomplish different things. The last poem that we will be talking about is called "if I should have a daughter". The poem itself is a diverse art of spoken word poetry. In the poem, a mother talks about her life in a way of preparing advice for her future daughter. She is talking about the things she will tell her daughter, but in this process, she is also describing different experiences of her life (Clauver, John). This poem makes me realize the importance of our parent's advice (Clauver, John). We should always listen to their advice because they are based on real life experience. The poem also provides great parenting lessons for the future. It taught me about how I

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