Pluto: Planet Nine

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For a vast majority of people remember when Pluto was considered to be a planet, but that all changed in 2006. Even though some people still consider Pluto to be a planet, it is not. But those yearning for another planet in our solar system, have finally achieved their wish. With the nickname of Planet nine, the possible planet will take the place that was once was Pluto’s, as the ninth planet in our solar system. It has yet to be confirmed to be a planet. There have only been two true planets that have been discovered since the ancient times. The reason being, is that Planet Nine has an orbit that is 20 times further than Earth’s orbit around the sun. Scientists estimate that it would take anywhere between 10,000 to 20,000 years for planet …show more content…

The more we know about our solar system the better. Even though planet nine is a considerable distance from Earth, i highly doubt that would stop scientist from conducting their research. In order to conduct such research there would have to be an improvement in technology. When there is an improvement in technology it has a greater chance of leading to new discoveries. As well as adding new and improved information about existing planets. If Planet nine was confirmed to be a planet, it would first have to get an official name; then it would be added to the list of planets. Which would lead to the planet being placed in textbooks, and science fair projects. With the discovery of planet nine, it can also lead to the discovery of other planets. Planet nines orbit is extremely different from the planets that are currently in our solar system. Since its orbit passes through all of the other planets orbits and the continues out even farther out than any current planet. The “planet is closest to the sun when it pass through the current planets orbits. It’s orbit is believed to be reflected and larger version of our planet’s orbit. The discovery of the possible ninth planet in our solar system, would have a large impact on the scientific community. From the advancement in technology, new found interest in our solar system planet nine will impact

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