Playing Golf Research Paper

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Having been playing golf since the age of six, I was not the one to be called the best. I was always moderate or enough. I practice and practice, but never moved passed the word “good.” I wanted to be great, THE player, or the best. My game was a seesaw, I would improve noticeably but then it would fall back where I started. Growing up, my father and I would spend every weekend playing a round of golf. He dreamed about me becoming a pro golfer and watching me play through a TV screen. By then we didn’t where I fell between good and great until I started playing tournaments. I started off with tournaments that only kids that only played for a few years or as a nonchalant hobby. The tournaments with the noncompetitive players, I was always …show more content…

During that time I lived in Mississippi and MJGA was a golf organization where usually the best golf players in the state play. The first MJGA tournament I was so anxious and terrified of failing, I made myself sick. I was so ill I could barely hold my bad on my shoulders. Also I was having trouble keeping up with the other players and completely butcher my shots and ended up having the highest score. That day I was so overwhelmed with embarrassment that I did not want to show my face at another tournament ever again. My dad reassure me and said I should try again and that you only fail when you stop trying. I played another tournament, failed. Then 3 more and they all end up with me failing. By my sophomore, I wanted to stop trying. I wanted to stop trying and accept failure. Even though I made the high school golf team when I was in seventh grade, I could never compare with the players who were actually recognized as the best. Eventually my dad told me I should stick to school and hope colleges would accept me for my grades. That golf should just be a pastime. I was turned away from the one person that told me to keep trying. I was lost, for that the majority of my life contains playing rounds of golf, especially with my

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